the IVR schedule!

Welcome to our schedule page.
All times are in eastern time.


No live content.


4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

The Monday Spot.

Order in the Musical Court! Order in the Musical Court! Every Monday afternoon, court is now in session, as I, DJ Celrock, help you chase those Monday blues away, with a different theme each week. For 3 hours, we’re gonna have fun, with a variety of fun musical themes. One week, it could be a decade of music from the 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000’s, etc. Another week, I might play a specific genre, like Rock, Pop, or Country. And other weeks, we might get specific where it comes to the artists, such as artists who have passed away, to all women, to all men. And other weeks, we might focus on the title, such as, songs with colors in the title, songs with people’s names in the title, etc. And then, we could also focus on a theme like, songs that make you cry, songs that feature a positive message. You never know what kind of theme you’re gonna get. Each week, it will be different, and I do take listener requests and suggestions for themes. We might even play games from time to time, like Alphabet Soup. You never know what I’ve got, at The Monday Spot. So I hope to see you there, and as always, Happy Listening!!! Please note, this show may contain adult content.


no live programming.


No Live Programming.


No Live Programming.


2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

The Classical Collection with jenny.

This show features classical music spanning many time periods and sub-genres as well as contemporary music based on classical pieces and classical arrangements of contemporary music.


2:00PM to 5:00 PM

The Cookie Jar with the Evil Chocolate Cookie.

This show is full of variety. From the beetles to broadway to Patsy Cline, there’s something for everyone. I also feature local artists, misheard lyrics, and lesser known artists I find on SoundCloud.